Russulas in Great Britain – 2017

£21.63 ex. VAT

Species of the Genus Russula are some of the commonest fungi that we see in woodlands, often of large size and displaying striking colours. And yet they are also some of the most confusing and difficult to identify of all the fungi. This book seeks to provide an easy to use keying system to help you identify the nearly 160 species to be found in Great Britain (a “synoptic” key – currently the best system available for this tricky genus).

Each species is fully described, including a further 29 from Continental Europe and Scandinavia and over 120 full colour photographs are provided of many of our most interesting species.

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Species of the Genus Russula are some of the commonest fungi that we see in woodlands, often of large size and displaying striking colours. And yet they are also some of the most confusing and difficult to identify of all the fungi. This book seeks to provide an easy to use keying system to help you identify the nearly 160 species to be found in Great Britain.

Each species is fully described, including a further 29 from Continental Europe and Scandinavia which have not yet been found here but might be expected to, and over 120 full colour photographs are provided of many of our most interesting species.